What Are The Software Quality Attributes?

Before going to software quality attributes, the first question is, what is a quality attribute?
In simple words, a quality attribute is a characteristic of a system that is used to evaluate the system’s performance from the perspective of the end user.

So, what are software quality attributes?

Software Quality Attributes are characteristics of a software product that make it easier for professionals in the software testing industry to evaluate the performance of the software. They play a crucial part in helping software architects guarantee that a software application will perform as expected in accordance with the specifications provided by the customer, which is one of the most important roles in the software development process. Even though there are many different aspects that contribute to the quality of software, we are going to concentrate on the key aspects that we have outlined below.

Types Of Software Quality Attributes

There are mainly two types of Software Quality Attributes:

  1. Functional Quality Attributes
  2. Non-Functional Quality Attributes

Functional Quality Attributes

In software engineering, functional quality attributes are the parts of a software system that are directly related to how it works and how well it can do the tasks it was made to do. These attributes focus on the most important parts of the software and what it can do. In other words, functional quality attributes are concerned with ensuring that the software system behaves as expected, meets the defined functional requirements, and provides the desired functionality to users.


In software quality assurance, accuracy is the correctness and precision of the results or outputs that a software system gives. It involves making sure that the software system performs calculations, data processing, and transformations correctly and consistently, in line with the requirements and expected behavior.

Here is what accuracy means in the context of software quality assurance:

Accuracy is the degree to which a software system produces correct and precise results or outputs, ensuring that calculations, data processing, and transformations are performed without errors or deviations from the expected behavior.

Accuracy is a very important quality for software systems, especially ones that do critical calculations, analyze data, or make decisions. It makes sure that the software system gives reliable and trustworthy results, preventing errors that could lead to wrong conclusions, financial losses, or other bad things.

By putting an emphasis on accuracy in software quality assurance, organizations can make sure that their software systems give accurate and reliable results, which increases user confidence, trust, and the overall effectiveness of the system’s outputs.


Compliance is a term used in software quality assurance to describe how well a software system or product meets certain standards, rules, guidelines, or requirements. It means making sure that the software meets the rules and meets any legal, industry, or organizational requirements. Compliance is an important part of software quality assurance, especially in regulated industries or domains with specific rules and standards.

In terms of software quality assurance, here’s what compliance means:

Compliance in software quality assurance refers to the extent to which a software system or product adheres to domain- or industry-specific standards, regulations, or guidelines. It ensures that the software complies with legal, regulatory, and other obligations and meets the prescribed criteria.

Most of the time, ensuring compliance means building compliance requirements into the software development lifecycle, running audits and assessments, putting in place the controls that are needed, and writing down proof of compliance. Compliance in software quality assurance helps to reduce risks, make sure that laws and rules are followed, and build trust with stakeholders, customers, and regulatory bodies.


Stability in software quality assurance means that a software system can stay in a consistent and reliable state over time, especially in terms of how it works and how well it works. It means that there are no unexpected failures, errors, or interruptions that could hurt the way the system works.

In terms of software quality assurance, here is what stability means:

Stability in software quality assurance refers to a software system’s ability to maintain its functionality and performance consistently over time, without unexpected failures, errors, or disruptions that impede its proper operation.

Stability is a good thing for software systems because it makes sure the system stays reliable and predictable, so users can count on it to behave and work the same way every time. It means that the software can handle different inputs, workloads, and user interactions without crashing, freezing, or making mistakes.

Getting a software system to be stable usually means testing and validating it thoroughly throughout its development lifecycle. This means using methods like functional testing, regression testing, performance testing, and stress testing to find problems and fix them.

Coding mistakes, problems with configuration, problems with compatibility, lack of resources, memory leaks, and external dependencies can all affect how stable software is. By addressing these factors ahead of time and doing thorough testing, software development teams can make their software systems more stable and give users a reliable experience.


In software quality assurance, security means keeping a software system safe from unauthorized access, data leaks, and other bad things. It means taking steps to protect the privacy, integrity, and availability of the software and the data that goes with it. Security is an important part of software quality assurance, especially in the digital world of today, where cyber threats are common.

In terms of software quality assurance, here is what security means:

In software quality assurance, security refers to the protection of a software system and its data against unauthorized access, breaches, and malicious activities. It involves the implementation of precautions and procedures to ensure the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of the software system.

By addressing security issues in software quality assurance, organizations can reduce security risks, protect sensitive information, keep users’ trust, and make sure the software system is reliable and has integrity as a whole.


In the context of software quality assurance, “interoperability” means that a software system can work well with other systems, components, or technologies. It means making sure that the software system can share data, talk to other systems or interfaces, and work well with them, even if they use different platforms, protocols, or formats.

In terms of software quality assurance, this is what interoperability means:

Interoperability in software quality assurance refers to the capacity of a software system to interact, exchange data, and function without interruption with other systems, components, or technologies, enabling integration and communication across heterogeneous environments.

Interoperability is important in today’s connected world, where software systems often need to interact with multiple external entities, such as databases, APIs, web services, hardware devices, or third-party software. It makes sure that the software system can work well within a larger ecosystem, allowing data to be shared, people to work together, and different platforms and technologies to work together.

By putting an emphasis on interoperability in software quality assurance, organizations can make sure that their software systems can communicate and integrate with other systems or technologies without any problems. This makes collaboration, data exchange, and interoperability easier within complex software ecosystems.

Non-Functional Quality Attributes

Non-functional quality attributes in software engineering refer to the characteristics of a software system that are not directly related to its functional behavior but contribute to its overall quality and user satisfaction. In other words, non-functional quality attributes are the things about a software system that are important for how well it works and how happy its users are but are not directly related to how it works.


In software quality assurance, functionality means that a software system is able to do the tasks it was made for and has the features and capabilities that were expected. It means making sure that the software system works correctly, makes the outputs that are wanted, and meets the functional requirements that have been set.

In the context of software quality assurance, functionality is defined as follows:

In software quality assurance, functionality refers to the ability of a software system to perform its intended tasks, meet the specified functional requirements, and provide the expected features and capabilities.

By putting an emphasis on functionality in software quality assurance, organizations can make sure that their software systems give users the features, capabilities, and value they were meant to have. This improves user satisfaction, usability, and overall system effectiveness.


When discussing software quality assurance, the term “reliability” is used to describe the degree to which a software system will continue to operate as expected over time and under known conditions. Making sure the software works as intended and always gives the desired results over time is called software reliability.

Regarding software quality assurance, here is how we define reliability:

In software quality assurance, reliability refers to the extent to which a software system consistently performs its intended functions without failures, errors, or unexpected behavior, and delivers the expected results under specified conditions for a specified period.

Users are more likely to trust in, use, and be satisfied with a system if they know it is reliable. By prioritizing dependability in software quality assurance, businesses can ensure they provide customers with systems that function as promised and as expected.


The term “usability” is used in the field of software quality assurance to describe how happy and productive users are with the software they are using. Developing user-friendly software entails catering to the requirements of the people who will be using it.

In the context of software quality assurance, the term “usability” is defined as follows:

Usability in software quality assurance refers to the extent to which a software system is simple to learn, comprehend, and use, allowing users to achieve their objectives in an efficient, effective, and satisfying manner.

Organizations can improve user productivity and satisfaction with their software by placing more emphasis on usability during the quality assurance process. The success of a software system depends on its widespread use and acceptance by its target audience.


As it relates to software quality assurance, efficiency is defined as how effectively and economically a software system completes its intended tasks while making use of available resources. The goal is to have the software system carry out its tasks quickly and efficiently while wasting as few resources as possible.

In the field of software quality assurance, efficiency is defined as follows:

Efficiency in software quality assurance refers to the capacity of a software system to accomplish its goals and deliver its intended functionality with minimal resource consumption, thereby optimizing performance and minimizing waste.

By placing an emphasis on effectiveness in software quality assurance, businesses can guarantee that their software systems will function as intended, make the most of available resources, and produce excellent outcomes. This not only benefits the user experience but also the software’s bottom line and its overall viability.


The term “maintainability” is used in the field of software quality assurance to describe how simple and efficient it is to make changes to, or fix bugs in, a software system. Facilitating efficient maintenance activities, decreasing the time and money needed to make changes, and minimizing the effect on the system’s functionality and performance are all goals of maintaining a well-designed, well-structured, and well-documented software system.

In the context of software quality assurance, maintainability is defined as follows:

Maintainability in software quality assurance is the capacity of a software system to be modified, improved, repaired, or adapted efficiently and effectively throughout its lifecycle while retaining its functional integrity and performance.

Putting maintainability first in software quality assurance helps businesses make sure their systems can grow and change without becoming obsolete. Throughout its entire lifespan, high-quality software is more easily and cost-effectively delivered if the system is easy to maintain.


The term “portability” is used in the field of software quality assurance to describe the system’s adaptability to new environments and platforms. Making sure the software is cross-platform means that it can be easily deployed on different computers with different operating systems and software.

In the context of software quality assurance, portability is defined as follows:

Portability in software quality assurance refers to the capacity of a software system to be easily transferred, adapted, or deployed across various environments, platforms, or configurations, without extensive modifications.

Organizations can ensure that their software systems are deployable, adaptable, and usable across a wide range of environments and platforms by placing a premium on portability in software quality assurance. A software solution’s scalability, longevity, and user accessibility are all bolstered by its portability.


By applying the aforementioned software quality attributes and standards, it is possible to determine whether or not a software system meets the specified quality requirements.

As stated previously, these characteristics are applied to QA and QC processes so that both the tester and the customer can confirm the quality of the application or system.

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